Why I Only Use LaTeX For Documents Now

Swindles McCoop


LaTeX is one of the best document formatting systems I have come across in a while because...well, it just makes sense. The syntax is usually pretty consistent, and if I want to do something in it, it’s almost a guarantee that someone else has already done that thing and I can find the solution online somewhere. Yesterday, I forced myself to learn the basic syntax of LaTeX by reformatting Art of War by Sun Tzu into a LaTeX document (and I got a bit of Vim macro fun in too), and let me just say, wow. It looks beautiful, consistent, and I didn’t have to do anything super fancy with it. The biggest problem I came across was when referring to part of a chapter, there are basically section numbers, and one section included two numbers. I don’t know how I would have been able to do it in Word or a similar piece of software, but with LaTeX, it took about a minute of knowing what to search for online to find the solution.

I’m actually quite glad I learned LaTeX, because it kind of solves all of the problems that I have with things like Google Docs and Word. I’ll probably end up rewriting my resume using it just because it’s so simple to actually use. I’ve already done some school assignments using it as well, and I can tell that I’m going much faster.